Tuesday, September 11, 2012

[News] So Undercover To Be In Theater In Taiwan

It's sure that Long Shong Entertainment Multimedia Company has purchased So Undercover and confirmed to be in theater in Vieshow Cinema (威秀影城).The date that So Undercover will be in theater is January 11th 2013.

This is the Plot of So Undercover :
So Undercover (also known as I'm Like Sooo Undercover) is an upcoming action comedy film. The film was directed by Tom Vaughan and written by Allan Loeb. The screenplay is the work of Steven Pearl.

Molly Morris (Miley Cyrus) is a pretty sharp, street-smart, crass and tough private eye working in place for her Dad (Mike O'Malley) until he gets his job back. Molly receives a job offering from the FBI which gives her enough money to cover the money her Dad lost, and after being recruited, Molly has to go undercover to save a former mobster's daughter, Alex. She is forced to transform her personality to a non-vulgar, polite, sophisticated college sorority girl. Many scenes were shot on Tulane University's Uptown campus.
At the sorority sisters's house, Molly, as her undercover name as Brooke Stonebridge, has to investigate around the house and out of the house to get the information she needs about Alex (Lauren McKnight). Outside of the sorority sisters's house. Molly falls in love with charming, sweet, Nicolas (Joshua Bowman).

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